Benefits of a Parking Guidance System

Are parking guidance systems a worthwhile investment? For large, busy parking facilities, they certainly can be. Not only will guided parking benefit drivers, but it can improve your business as well. Read on to find out how.


What is Guided Parking?

Guided parking, at its most basic, is any method that a facility uses to direct drivers to specific parking areas or spaces. The solution can be very low-tech with a person flagging drivers to open spaces. It can also be high-tech with electronic signage and overhead lights that signal which spots are available.

Benefits of a Parking Guidance System

Robust, innovative guided parking systems may involve signage outside the facility that indicates whether there are open spots and, if so, how many are available. It can also include directional signage inside the facility that guides drivers to areas or levels with open spaces.

Companies like Indect offer a variety of sensors that monitor the occupancy of individual spaces or a section of up to six spaces. Integrated RGB LED sensors are customizable to show which stalls are open with a green light, and which spots are occupied with a red light. Facilities can also customize the color for special parking spaces, such as ADA compliant, EV charging, expectant mother, reserved, and any other designation they choose.

To improve energy-efficiency, the lights have adjustable brightness that facilities can tailor for daytime and nighttime.


Benefits for Customers

Parking customers generally aren’t looking for anything over the top from their parking experience. They just want a parking spot at a fair price, a clean facility, easy payment options, and an easy exit.

In locations such as airports, colleges and universities, or corporate offices, customers want to be able to find a parking space quickly so that they can be on their way. Whether they’re trying to catch a flight or make it to a board meeting, they don’t want to spend a long time hunting for the last available spot in your facility.

Benefits of a Parking Guidance System

Guided parking systems take drivers directly to open spaces so that they spend less time circling the lot. As an added bonus, this also decreases the amount of fuel that they burn, which is better for the environment.

Locations such as airports are excellent candidates for guided parking. Flying can be stressful for many people. When you reduce your patron’s stress by providing a frustration-free parking experience, you increase the chances that they’ll park with you again, rather than take a cab or have a family member drop them off. Consider adding a few extra signs to direct them to the check-in desks and security area too!


Benefits for Parking Facilities

Guided parking can increase revenue to a parking facility in two ways: repeat business and fewer vacant spaces. Providing a great customer experience makes people want to come back again and makes it more likely that they’ll tell their friends and family to park with you too.

When you make it easy for people to find a vacant space in your lot, you decrease the chance that they’ll circle the lot and drive away without parking. Open spaces tend to be interspersed throughout the lot. Instead of forcing customers to hunt for those spaces, guide them there, and collect the parking fee. You can maximize your parking capacity, and therefore increase your revenue.

Benefits of a Parking Guidance System

Solutions such as those from Indect are automated, so they do not require additional staff to implement. The program also provides valuable reports to your facility so you can learn more about your capacity patterns and how customers are using your facility.


A Parking Partner You Can Rely On

If your parking facility offers 24-hour parking for patrons, then you need a 24-hour parking partner. Wetherbee Electric is an expert in parking solutions and is proud to offer round-the-clock service to our customers. If your parking guidance system malfunctions, you can’t afford to wait days or weeks for maintenance. We’ll get you back up and running in no time so you can minimize any inconvenience for your parking customers.

If you think that your business would benefit from a parking guidance system, get in touch with us today.

Vivek Dixit