3 Reasons Why You Need A 24-Hour Parking Access Expert

Modern parking systems make parking entry and exit seamless and easy for customers and facility attendants. However, even the best, most cutting-edge systems can fail. When your revenue and reputation are on the line, you need a parking access expert who offers 24-hour service.

If you don’t have a local parking access expert, your facility may not get serviced for several days. All of the issues that you face when your technology malfunctions compound over time. Lost revenue, upset customers, employee stress, and harm to your brand only grow the longer you're down.

You know that your parking facility needs to stay operational. This article details why your business needs a parking access partner that provides 24-hour service.


Lost Revenue

In business, cash is king.

Every minute that your parking lane is down, you’re losing income. You might miss out on 3% or more of your monthly profit every day that your parking facility is out of commission. If you’re down over a busy weekend, it could be even more than that.

24-Hour Parking Access Expert

Imagine that you’re down for four days while you wait for a repair. That’s 12% or more of your monthly income. Now imagine that you also have to give customers refunds on top of all of your lost revenue.

If your business is new or your margins are tight, a loss that large could be devastating. However, it’s not uncommon for facilities to wait several days for service if your provider is out of your state or region. Even businesses with a large cash reserve shouldn’t have to stomach a loss like that.

A local parking access expert like Wetherbee can repair your parking system in 24-hours or less. Quick repairs mean more money in your pocket, and who can say no to that?


Damage to Your Brand

People don’t expect a lot out of a parking facility. All they want is to get in, pay their balance, and get back out. If your parking facility consistently provides these three basic functions, you’ll have repeat customers.

However, you could permanently lose a customer the minute that someone is unable to get into your facility.

An even worse situation is if your customers are stuck inside your facility. It shouldn’t surprise you if customers get angry when they can’t get their cars out. If you work with a local parking access expert like Wetherbee, your patrons will be back on their way quickly.

24-Hour Parking Access Expert

However, you may have to wait a full day or more for a repair from an out-of-state company. If you inconvenience your customers for several days, they’ll tell all of their friends and family not to park with you.

Now, you’ve lost that customer and potentially everyone that he or she knows.

Consistently delivering on your promise to help customers get in, pay their balance, and get out is the key to repeat business.


Employee Stress

Your parking facility attendants are on the front line dealing with upset customers whenever your parking system malfunctions. The problems are not your employee’s fault, but he or she is the one who has to assist upset customers.

Your company’s employee retention can suffer if you have frequent technology issues. No one wants to deal with angry customers. It should come as no surprise when employees move on to other, less stressful opportunities.

If your parking facility is closed for several days while you wait for a repair, your employees won’t be able to work. Just like you, your employees need to make a living. Missed workdays make it harder for people to provide for themselves and their families.

24-Hour Parking Access Expert

Your attendants are the face of your business, so it’s important that you hire and retain good people. A stressful job with inconsistent work hours makes it difficult to retain high-quality employees.

A quick repair from Wetherbee will get your employees back to work and help keep them happy.


Choose a Local Expert

Wetherbee has been serving Oklahoma for over 100 years. When you need a quick, skillful repair, contact your local parking access expert. Don’t settle for service companies out of our state or region. Your business deserves better

Vivek Dixit